Monday, November 2, 2009

One of Those Bloggy Things

So I finally got one.
Yes, a blog!

I'm going to try it out and see how I like it! If we're lucky I will and so will you! If not, then I will either abandon or delete my account ad find something else to do with my time, as will you. Such is life.

Yes life...what a wonderful thing....

Anyways. So I was thinking I would try out this NaNoWriMo thing that all the cool YouTubers are doing. Basically, you try to write a 50,000 word novel in just a month. But I have a feeling it's not going to happen. Blame my ADD or something. OK, so I really don't have ADD (do I?), but um....blame Melvin the squid over there because!

Ha ha way to freak out all your blog readers on your 1st blog MADISON! Jeez! Oh there ya go again talking to yourself, God you're so WEIRD! Tee hee. I really hope my family members don't read this.....

So um, yeah...turtles....they're cool....

That reminds me! Don't you hate it when you see someone you haven't talked to in the 80 years and then you see them in the super market or something and you're totally with your new friend and then you see them and you're just thinking "oh god, look away, look away" and then you either a) bump into them on accident like a moron or b) their parent notice you. Either way you end up with that whole awkward "Oh....hey...I haven't seen YOU in a long time [and was hoping to keep it that way...] so how's school [how's school? who cares?!] um....that's cool....yeah I still play soccer...." and then BAM! There's that awkward silence for what feels like 20000 HOURS where you're like "SOOOOOO............." and it ends up with some kind of awkward mumbling under the breath and shuffling in the other direction type thing.

The brackets by the way were like, what I was thinking ya know? It's like the whole time you really don't care and are just trying to fill up space to be polite, but I mean later it's like "Oh god WHY did I go to the grocery store with my mom?! Never again mom, NEVER AGAIN!"

Yup, that's always embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as your mom THROWING A FRIGGIN' PINATA AT YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF WALMART xD. Just teasing Mom I love you....but seriously.

Ya know what ELSE is awkward? When your uncles start asking you about boys/boyfriends. Because no matter what you do it's gonna be at least SEMI awkward. Like there's gonna be some point where they're like " you have a boyfriend?" and if you say no there's this sigh of relief and then they're either like " anyone?" or like a "So who have you dated recently?" both of which you don't want to answer (and may choose not to) but if you's just me, bad. And, oh god, if you DOOO have a boyfriend and you TELL them it's twice as bad because then it's like "DOES HE DO DRUGS? IS HE NICE? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DATING? DOES HE LIKE CHOCOLATE? WHERE DOES HE LIVE? HAVE YOU....KISSED? WHAT'S HIS NAME? DO YOU LIKE HIM A LOT? IS HE NICE TO YOU?" and you're just like WHOA MAN, WHOA! Let's relax for a second here, and if you're like me you always say something like "He's a hard core drug addictJUST KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING!" to which they always freak out at and then ask you 90000 more questions.

THENNN there's the aunts....oh god, the aunts. Who are always like, exactly the same, except they're all friendly about it. Like they're your sister or something all like "SOOOOOOO who's your boyfriend? Is he cuuuteeee?" and you're like, Just, no, auntie person, no. And then there's that scene where you're in the room with at least one other adult male whom you hardly know and they're like "HEY YOU GOT BOOBS!" and you're like partially flattered, mortally embarrassed, totally awkward, and then it just cycles until the guy laughs awkwardly and leaves the room after a quick glance at your chest. I love family....don't you?

Anyways, on that awkward note for all my guy friends and possibly boyfriend (SHUT UP RELATIVES WHO ARE READING THIS!) I'm gonna go, because it's an hour past when I originally planned on going to bed, and my shoulder/back hurts. Plus, I've written plenty for tonight I think, and have to save stuff to write about tomorrow! Byeeeeeee!