Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Iranian Protests

Watch the 2 videos of Iran.

Have you seen those before? Probably not. Maybe, if you're an adult or very aware. But probably not. Those videos are horrible and incredibly upsetting to see, but most of the people I know don't even know that there is something going on in Iran. I mean seriously. If I took a tally of how many people I know knew who "Octomom" was, or Britney Spears, it would be pretty much everyone. But if I took a tally of how many of the people I know knew about this, there would be a HUGE difference.

I mean, I'm going to be honest, I really didn't know much about this, and I still don't. And a large part of that is my fault, I know. Because I don't read the newspaper or keep up nearly as much as I should or as my mother would like me to. But, maybe, it's not COMPLETELY my fault.

I mean, like I said, I'm not going to try to transfer the blame completely because that would be stupid and dishonest, but I'm just saying maybe as a country, for the bettering of our society and for our children's education's sake, we could try a little harder.

It just seems like for the most part now, the media isn't as much a source for information as much as a source of entertainment. As in, you're more likely to read something about Tiger Woods cheating than about Iran or Afghanistan or Health Care, and that is just incredibly sad. And, again, it is obviously not all media that is like this or entirely the media's fault, AT ALL. We, as a nation should be paying more attention to this stuff and not have to be force fed it all in order to be aware. But at the same time, you kind of expect the news to give you news. Real news, about important things.

Another thing is schools. I mean where are the schools about this stuff?! As far as I can tell, we really aren't getting much information about this stuff from the schools to students. I mean, we learn history so that we don't repeat ourselves, and that makes sense. But how can we function and be as innovative and intelligent and prepared in the future if we don't even know what's happening around us right now? It's ridiculous! I just feel like maybe if we had a "current events" class, where we could discuss these topics, or a sort of school newspaper with condensed versions of these things for students to read or even something as simple as the Language A (English) or History teacher assigning essays on things like this once in a while we would actually be a lot more aware of what's going on. I feel like the few aware people (such as teachers and media um...people) should be teaching/helping/informing the clueless about these things just for the sake of our country.

It just seems like this could be EASILY cured or at least improved and we don't do anything about it. I guess I understand why. I mean, it's just so much easier to think "Wow that golf player really likes sex" than to actually have to do deep thinking on ways to solve poverty in Darfur and the health care issues and Afghanistan and all its issues.

I just hope that when I have children, I am able to educate them more about these issues and that the schools are educating them more about these issues so that their generation isn't as clueless and stupid as mine.


Was that too depressing? Here's something hilariously pathetic and horribly written! My school newspaper! Laugh at it!

1st addition:
2nd addition:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hello, hello, hello!

Okay so 1st of all I'd like to apologize AGAIN for not keeping up with this...I've just been busy ya know. So anyways here's one for today and I hope to keep up with this more from now on.

Okay so! I am incredibly excited for Christmas! Okay well not INCREDIBLY excited, but reasonably. I pretty much know what I'm getting for the most part but that's okay I can still be excited can't I? Of course I can!

Anyways one of the interesting things about Christmas and Hanukkah is that everyone is expected to celebrate either one or the other. Hardly anyone, even if they are atheist (like me) just doesn't celebrate at least one. It's just kind of expected. I mean, really, it just doesn't make sense. Like, if you don't believe in Jesus, why celebrate a holiday dedicated to him? I mean I know technically Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday but I'm not Pagan either, and socially, now, it is really a Christian holiday. And yet, I have a good amount of atheist friends and not one of them doesn't celebrate Christmas. And not once does anybody question it really. It's just kind of expected. I just find that kind of interesting I guess.

Anyways, on a completely different note, technology! So you know how back in the 20's our parents thought that their technology was like amazing and exciting and just I dunno, modern. They talk about how the 1st computer was HUGE and blah, blah, blah. Well I mean, in 20 years or so, that's how computers are going to be. And in a way, it kinda sucks to think about that because I like to think that my computer is the coolest thing that there will ever be ya know? But, I mean, it definitely isn't. So...what will they come up with next? Well I have some ideas...

Okay, so you know how like on those nintendos or whatever you can like chat and actually write? That's how everything will be. Typing will be done, everything will just be touch screen and with your like stylist or finger you can just write whatever you want. And, of course, all computers will be touchscreen as will phones and lots of other things. And everything will be incredibly small of course. In face, I dunno, maybe computers/laptops will just be dead in general, everything will go to cellphones/iPods. The range of internet you can get on your phones/iPods will increase rapidly.

In the future, going to the movies will be dead. Instead, you'll be able to buy the tickets through your PayPal and watch the movie at home, only once of course but still, AT HOME! Then, if you like the movie there will be a little rating section, maybe even a comment section, who knows! The more feedback the producers can get, the better. There will probably be a movie recommendation thing, like "If you liked this movie you will probably like __________, ____, and ___________" Of course these movies would be very similar to watching them at the theater, there will still be previews and the same quality. But you will be able to watch it in whatever you're wearing, in the comfort of your own home.

Hm...I had some other ideas but I forgot them. Of course these are just theories, I mean I could be COMPLETELY wrong, and they will most definitely invent insane devices we can't even dream of yet! But yeah, those are some of my theories. What are yours?

Buh bye hope to write you sooon!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Indiana Jones?

Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long! I was on vacation in Indiana! Good times, good times. Basically I spent most of the time playing the Simpson's Road Rage, texting, and catching up with family.

It's insane how much people change over the years but still stay the same ya know? Like they've obviously grown up A LOT! And they look different. And they sound different. And they are over all just different people. But there are still certain personality quirks that just stay with them.

So OK, in case you don't know, my mom has 8 siblings. 7 of which are married and have kids. This makes a lot of family. SO I don't get to see all of them all the time. Some I get to see every 6 months or so. Others I see every 2 years or so. And some I hadn't seen in about 7 years. So it was nice to catch up with people and see how the younger cousins have grown and what the older cousins are majoring in for college and what the aunts and uncles are doing in general. So here's the updates!

Aunt Linda--- is pregnant!
Uncle Neil--- has to work...A LOT! AAAAH! And is amazing at Simpson's Road Rage to my disgust.
Kiersten (5)--- is turning 6 in a week!!!
Kayla (4) --- is growing up a lot and now likes Hello Kitty.

Grandpa---is getting older, has a car nicer than my step dad's, and is living with Steve.
Uncle Steve---is living with Grandpa, likes to play Halo, and plays some weird computer game all the time.

Aunt Mary--- got Carpaltunnal (spelling?)!
Katie---is doing a bunch of crazy college stuff.
Rich---has a job I think, and is also in college I think.

Uncle Jim---Had Achilles Heel issues.
Ryan--- is doing all kinds of crazy musical stuff, playing soccer, and also plying Halo non-stop.
Eric---is also doing crazy music stuff. And got WAAAAY taller.

Uncle Henry---um...?
Megan---is in college!

Aunt Joanie---still crazy....but has had the same job at the bank for 2 years straight!
Muff---Is a shoe bitch and might go back to college.
Ash---is still in college.

So yeah that's my family more or less. Pretttyyy exciting. Sorry I'm not exactly in the writing mood because I'm super tired after the trip which I just arrived from. but I thought I should probably write a blog so....there ya go! Byeeeeeee!

So yeah...that's the relatives.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

51 Awesome Jokes!

So I'm gonna post a bunch of stupid jokes, and you're gonna laugh! Ready....GO!

1.) What's brown and sticky?
a stick! [what else would it be?]

2.) Does Snoop Dogg ever use an umbrella?
For Drizzle! [get it? 'cause like drizzling rain...and he's all gangstery?]

3.) What's blue and smells like red paint?
Blue paint! [duh?]

4.) What do you call a nosy pepper?
Jalapeno face! [Like all up in yo face? NOW do you get it? Jesus christ people!]

5.) How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A buckineer [like a buck an ear!]

6.) Why couldn't the little pirate see the movie?
Because it had to much booty and was rated aaaaaar!

7.) How do you make a hankerchief dance?
You put a little boogie in it. [ew.]

8.) Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead! [sinister]

9.) Why did the 2nd monkey fall out of the tree?
Because it was stapled to the 1st monkey! [sick]

10.) Why did the 3rd monkey fall out of the tree?
Peer pressure.

11.) Did you hear about that guy who got the enter left side of his body cut off?!
Yeah, but he's all right now. [GET IT?! All RIGHT! BECAUSE HIS LEFT SIDE GOT CUT OFF!]

12.) Where does the king keep his armies?
In his sleevies =D

13.) How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one, but, the light bulb has to want to change.

14.) What do you get when you combine an agnostic, a dyselxic, and an insomniac?
A guy who stays up all night wonder whether or not there is a dog... [do you know what all thsoe big word mean? Do you know what dog is backwards...? If not you won't get the joke]

15.) What kind of cheese just isn't yours?
Nacho cheese! [Not your cheese...]

16.) Why are math books so sad?
They've got a lot of problems!

17.) What's the difference between a teacher and a park bench?
A park bench can support a family [Think about how much teachers get paid...get it? get it?]

18.) What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
I think you would call that a stick.

19.) Billy, why did you eat your homework?
The teacher said it was a piece of cake.

20.) Why doesn't Elvis ever use his cell phone?
Because he's dead!

21.) So Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are getting a divorce and the judge says "So you're divorcing your wife because she's crazy..." and Mickey Mouse says "Um, no, I think what you heard me say is she's fuc*ing Goofy" [see, i starred one letter out, you have NO idea what that says now! But you get the joke right? Like Goofy the dog thing and Mickey mouse and crazy...heh heh heeeeh.]

22.) Why was the calendar depressed?
Because his days were numbered.

23.) I was wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger...
And then it hit me.

24.) How do you make Lady Gaga cry?
Poke her face.

25.) What is the difference between an elephant, and a plum?
Plums are purple...?

26.) What is a chicken's favorite composer?

27.) What do you feed an invisible cat?
Evaporated milk.

28.) Today I was reading an article about drinking, and it scared the crap out of me! So from now on, this is it! No more reading!

28.) What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No idear.

29.) What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh [ sorry, the joke doesn't work very well when typed]

30.) What did the 1st snowman say did the 2nd snowman?
sniffffff smells like carrots.

31.) What is the difference between a coyote and a flea?
One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy.

32.) How come seagulls live by the sea?
Because if they lived by the bay they'd be bagels! [again, doesn't work in print]

33.) Why do cows where bells?
Because their horns don't work.

34.) What's the difference between camping and molestation?
Well...since ya don't know wanna, wanna go camping next weekend?

35.) How do you get an 80 year old woman to yell f*ck?
Get another 80 year old woman, right next to her to yell bingo.

36.) What's black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white?
A penguin that's rolling down a hill.

37.) What's black and white and laughing?
The penguin that pushed him.

38.) How many kids with ADD does it take to change a lightbulb?
Let's go ride bikes!

39.) Why did the tomato blush?
Because it saw the salad dressing.

40.) Why can't Hellen Keller drive?
Because she's dead!

41.) Two peanuts were walking down the street...
One was assaulted! [like a salted.]

42.) What did Delaware?
I dunno Alaska! [like I'll ask her]

43.) What's worse than 10 dead babies in a trashcan?
1 dead baby in 10 trashcans.

44.) What do you call a monkey in a mine field?
A ba-boon!

45.) Why did the tomato blush?
Because he saw Mr.Green pee. [like green pea]

46.) What does Luke Skywalker drive?
A Toyota [toy yoda]

47.) What did the scary ghost want for Christmas?
A screamo CD.

48.) What do Michael Jackson and Playstation have in common?
They're both plastic and get turned on by little kids. [sorry! couldn't resist]

49.) What has 75 balls and screws old ladies?

50.) How do you cure bird flu?

51.) How do you cure swine flu?

Well there ya have it! 51 jokes! And not even 1 blond joke! You're welcome!

Love ya!


Also, I was thinking I could maybe do one with blond jokes, racist jokes, ect, ect. That way I could offend everyone including me! Yaaaay!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Last Few Days and Random Complaints...HEY THAT RHYMED!

OK so 1st of all I'm sorry it's been so long since I last blogged. I've been busy (*lies*) with schoolwork and....stuff...

My party went quite swell. It was pretty fun. We pulled an all nighter which was pretty cool. Laura you are my idol for being about to pull off 26 hours instead of my 24...or more like 23 and a half but still!

Challchini is AMAZING. Seriously. She's only let me hold her twice but she run and jumps on me all the time! Yesterday she jumped up on my should like 4 times! It was amazing! I love her so much. She's so soft and adorable and....oh my god she's amazing.

Ying Yang game tomorrow and ODP. For those of you who don't know Ying Yang is the name of the indoor team I'm on. It's got 3 girls and 6 guys on it. Basically, we get together and do indoor, 3v3, and all kinds of soccer things like that. We're like a band....except with soccer instead of music....which I guess would be a team huh? xD duh! And ODP stands for Olympic Development P...I forgot what the P is....I think it might be preparation...? I can't remember now... Anyways, it's kind of a long process to get into it so here it goes. First, your coach has to select you to go to try outs for ODP. Next, you go to 4 or so days of tryouts on various days over the course of 2 or 3 months. After that, you wait for a week or so for them to put you into little team group things. The team group things are randomized so it really doesn't matter, it just is a way for the coaches to look at you more. Then, you go to more days of try outs with those teams. Last, you wait to see if you made the pool of about 36 girls out of...maybe....170 of the best girls in the state for your age group? So yeah, I made that pool of 36 girls. But oh no, it's not over yet! Now, we have to go to practices together which are still kind of like try outs in which the coaches will decide who gets to go to this tournament thingie. At least I think. It's kind of confusing. Because actually I think that everyone gets to go on the tournament unless you REALLY mess up and the practices are really just practices....yeah that sounds right...well that's a lot less nerve racking isn't it? So yeah, tomorrow will be soccertastic!

So today I have done absolutely nothing except for getting dressed for nothing and fighting with my mom. Good times, good times. Meh.

Yeah, so I haven't even eaten yet.

Anyways, the day before yesterday night (?) I rearranged the furniture and I'm really loving it! My room looks so cool! See I have this issue with doing things on impulse. And Thursday night, at 9:30 PM I decided I wanted to move furniture in my room that weighed 3 times as much as me. Genius, I know. Anyways, it ended up working out, but now I keep going over to where my dresser used to be out of habit to get clothes, only to realize that that is actually a chinchilla cage with a chinchilla inside.

Oh that's the other thing! Challchini's cage is AMAZING! It's HUGE! It's like the same height as me (Ok, well more like 4 foot 6 but still!) and it's got all these awesome shelve for her to jump around in! She loves it! And then we have a wheel and all kinds of cool toys ad yeah she's just so happy seeming! The only thing is she's nocturnal, so she sleeps all day, like right now, and then wakes up around...erm...maybe 6, 6:30? But it actually works out pretty great on school nights.

I just finished reading the Boondocks comic bookie thing. It was pretty awesome really.

That's another thing! I'm reading SO MANY books right now! Like there's this one book I borrowed from my history teacher that's...hold on....513 pages long but it's really advanced and the book itself is like 8 inches tall and 6 inches wide (like I mean the cover is..if you know what I mean....each page is 8 inches tall, 6 inches wide, get it?) so it's kind of a tough read. It's called Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class by Joseph F. Healey. Yeah, it's non-fiction. And it's really interesting, but difficult. And then I'm reading A Clockwork Orange which if you're an adult you've probably heard of, so that's pretty self explanatory. So....yeah, there ya go, now you know my reading life.

I'm hungry, and strangely tired. I mean I got 10 and a half hours of sleep last night and I'm STILL TIRED! Or maybe lethargic would be the word...yeah that fits. Lethargic. :$

Ugh, there's NOTHING TO EAT! NOTHING! I hate the world right now. Seriously.

My neck hurts.

Sorry now I'm just giving you random complaints. Proabably slightly annoying.

So yeah, I think I'm gonna eat, watch youtube videos, maybe read, and maybe text Erin to see if she can hang out...oh..wait...nevermind her phone's taken away. :(


Oh, another thing, I have a new crush and it's pretty awesome because I think he might like me back <3.


Monday, November 9, 2009

House Cleaning

So yesterday, I did the biggie, I cleaned the basement...carpet and all. Amazing, I know. Just call me Cinderella! And lemme say, I'm pretty impressed. I mean my carpet looks (and smells) pretty good! As does my house! I know, you're in awe. As am I young soul, as am I.

So now today I'm just doing the finishing touches. Things like cleaning up the coffee table and double checking that everything's decent for guests. I gotta say, I'm pretty confident with this whole having a bunch of people over thing. Pre tee confindent.

So anyways....I'M SO EXCITED! I can't wait for my chinchilla! She's gonna be AMAZING! My mom is picking her up tomorrow night and...I'M SO EXCITED! How will I ever be able to focus in school tomorrow?! I'll tell you how, I WON'T! Sooooo excited! Seriously.

YAAAAAAAAAAY EXCITEMENT! Can ya feel it buzzing through me?

Anyways, wow I say anyways a lot. It's just such a good transition word ya know? Anyways....

So anyways, Maia's actually cleaning the living room right now (yeah she's my slave!) while I blog and eat ice cream xD


That was weird. It was like she knew I was typing about her. The second I say Maia BAM she's in here.

I have to get my stuff hold on...
*plays hold music*

Okay so I actually typed that and THEN left butchya know, psh, whatever =P

Oh Rich don't hang up on the charity people! The charity people are good people who want us to donate to their charity like good people! And we are good people so we usually do! "We" meaning my mom and I.

Wow I'm amazing! Maia did an AMAZING job on the living room. Like seriously! That was some hardcore, crazy good cleanin' yo! For reals man! Like, I'm in awe! I think she gets her cleaning skills from me xD. I mean I'm only half joking. Because I mean, once I start cleaning I go crazy and can't stop! It's just the starting part ya know?


Well, um, yeah that's my blog....pretty short and lame huh? Oh well....

I think I'm gonna get some milk...

Oh and by the way, I broke up with my boyfriend, thought you'd like to know. Byeee!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why Maia Turns Everything Into Death.

Hey guys, so guess what I'm doing? Blogging!!! Guess what I'm not doing? Math homework!!! Yaaaaay Madiiiii the extreme under-over achiever. Ha ha you probably don't know what I mean by that do you? No? OK, I'll explain.

OK so in case you don't know, I'm in IB or the International Baccalaureate program. I seriously just had to Google how to spell baccalaureate. Awesome, I know. Anyways, it's supposed to be for smarty pantseseseses. Like "gifted" but not. Anyways, it's a really good program, and I'm in it. I get really good grades (last quarter I got straight A's), so compared to a lot of people I suppose I am an overachiever. But then, I'm not. Like, there are grazy (I did that on accident but it kinda fits so I'm leaving it, like crazy good grader people? Grazy? Never mind.) girls who are like EXTREME ULTRA OVER ACHIEVERS TO THE MAX! Yeah. The ones who actually understand geometry right away. See that? I'm in Geometry in 8th grade! That's over achievery....I'm in advanced math! But then I'm like "I could be doing my homework right now....nah I'll watch the Incredibles!" That's like, a direct quote from Facebook. And so I end up doing my homework at 10:30 at night. But ya know what? LEONARDO DA VINCI WAS A HUGE PROCRASTINATOR! SO THERE! He also would start a lot of projects and not finish them. That's me! I mean, as far as side projects...I go through a lot of phases....yeah.

My shoulder hurts....but why?


So.....ya see my house has this lovely thing called a basement. Originally we were thrilled to have it! It's finished and really nice and cool in the winter. But then....MAIA CAME. See, Maia has this amazing ability to turn everything awesome into DEATH! So she hired the cats to go PEE EVERYWHERE! AND IT'S TOTALLY DIGUSTING BECAUSE IT SMELLS REALLY BAD AND IS ALL GROSS TO WALK IN AND LIKE SERIOUSLY YOU COULD DIE! And she decided that cleaning up after herself and doing logical things like walking 6 feet to a trash can to throw stuff away was for losers!
So the effect =
dksfjg8 ikjdsrbgjrhas9jugy8ghie5 yu89reobgvkf ldhibfshdkg isfdbjf dksbgkfjhudksf bnfjdksdsg hlf dkshglofudiknhfds hub98iodfhjbklsg87uhkjerhuifdjkblfdnh odflbhjn dbjkhnjbmnjk.
If ya know what I mean. "CHAOS AND DISGUSTINGNESS" that's Maia's motto. So then, there's innocent little me who was innocently walking downstairs to do innocent little laundry. Usually, I just kinda close my eyes, hold my breath, and get in and get out. But I thought inncoently "Hey, why don't I start cleaning this up?" BAD IDEA! Because with me, once I start cleaning it's hard for me to stop, and I mean really, my work was cut out for me. Let me see....there was stale months old candy EVERYWHERE, and cat pee EVERYWHERE, and candy wrapppers EVERYWHERE and Maia's stupid toys EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU EVERYWHERE! I filled an entire shoe box to the top with just candy wrapper alone. Think about that. Wrappers=small=LOTS of wrappers! And oh my god it's EVERYWHERE! SO when I FINALLY did everything I could do (put all toys away, arranged chairs/toyboxes, threw away all trash, ect.) there was still the little floor issue. OK, never mind. There was the MONUMENTALLY BIG floor issue. So this weekend I get to look forward to cleaning floors and vacuuming so I don't die of toxic cat fumes or humiliation at my party. Stupid Maia. Stupid cats. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Degrassi Ranting and...Orange Juice?

Hey guys! So GREAT NEWS! I forgot what I was gonna talk about today yaaaaaaay! So I'm gonna make like Liz's eyeliner and wing it. Heh...heh....see what I did there....heh heh....'cas ya know she like wings....her eyeliner...heh....nevermind.

Me trying to be clever = EPIC FAILURE!!

So I am currently doing what all the cool kids are doing these days which is staying in bed and watching Degrassi and YouTube videos from all my subscribers. Yeah....I'm a loser xD. Just kidding I'm really not I'm play soccer! So there! NOT a loser! Losers don't play sports! Right? ....right? Maybe not. But really I left my phone in my mom's car so all means of communication are DEAD. Seriously how did I live without a cell phone? No talking to texting my texting boys! How did people flirt back then?! Psh, don't tell me they had the guts to flirt IN PERSON! Just kidding....kinda. Haha.

ANYWAYSSSSSSS! Why am I watching this again? Wow.

It's kinda like reality TV ya know? Like you see it on TV and your left brain is like "what is this?! change the channel you retard!" and then another part of your brain, not the right brain...maybe not even your brain is still like "OH NO SHE DIDN'T GIRLFRIEND! CLAIRE YOU BACKHAND THAT GUURRRRL!" And then you end up watching 2 hours of America's Next Top Model and friggin' Parental Control and thinking about how stupid you are for wasting your life on that instead of something useful like....discovering new types of cheese, or something.

Soooooo the NaNoWriMo's probably too late to do it...and I have no plan...and I mean, I have a life right? So it's not like I have time to write all day right? *cough* bullshit *cough cough*. Okay so I can't think of what to write about/a plot and I really should have brainstormed instead of thinking of it on a whim and there's pretty much no way I could write a 50,000 word book anyways....I don't think....well I probably could if I applied myself and had an attention span but STILLL!


Oh Erin, Erin, Erin what are we gonna do with you? Oh and Laura! I swear my friends are just like the people on this here Degrassi! Drama, drama, drama. Just kidding I love you guys!


Haha take a look at my life xD. I could be texting, or talking on the phone, or socializing with the outside world. Or even better, doing homework, like I'm supposed to be! But no, I'm watching friggin' Degrassi and getting as close to talking to people as I can by watching YouTube. EXTROVERTS FOR THE WIN! And introverts I love you too! was your Halloween, random person reading this? Mine had candy! Candy's good! But we'll just not talk about the rest OK? OK.

Dude my laptop is TOTALLY do you prevent that does anyone know? Like I mean its got its little venty thing exposed but it doesn't seem to be doing anything does it?

Wait...nevermind it it is. My bad.

YAAAAAAAAYYYYY CHINCHILLA SOOOOON! I'm excited! In case you didn't know, I'M getting a CHINCHILLA! YAAAAAAAY! Oh yeah, be jealous.

THAT'S WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING! MAKING BIRTHDAY INVITATIONS [sorry if you're not invited :( if I didn't invite you it's only because I hate you JUST KIDDING!]

Ya know what sounds like a good idea? Orange juice. juice. Vitamin C...nom, nom, nom. :( all we have is apple juice! NOBODY LIKES APPLE JUICE! Well...I mean....I do but THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! Beside the point or besides? Hm...

Dude I totally just predicted everything that is about to happen in this show....
Sorry you probably REALLY don't care.
Ma b!

I can't wait to get a new phone either. :)

Or for my party.

So many excitements!

Well I won't bore you anymore with my ranting. BYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

One of Those Bloggy Things

So I finally got one.
Yes, a blog!

I'm going to try it out and see how I like it! If we're lucky I will and so will you! If not, then I will either abandon or delete my account ad find something else to do with my time, as will you. Such is life.

Yes life...what a wonderful thing....

Anyways. So I was thinking I would try out this NaNoWriMo thing that all the cool YouTubers are doing. Basically, you try to write a 50,000 word novel in just a month. But I have a feeling it's not going to happen. Blame my ADD or something. OK, so I really don't have ADD (do I?), but um....blame Melvin the squid over there because!

Ha ha way to freak out all your blog readers on your 1st blog MADISON! Jeez! Oh there ya go again talking to yourself, God you're so WEIRD! Tee hee. I really hope my family members don't read this.....

So um, yeah...turtles....they're cool....

That reminds me! Don't you hate it when you see someone you haven't talked to in the 80 years and then you see them in the super market or something and you're totally with your new friend and then you see them and you're just thinking "oh god, look away, look away" and then you either a) bump into them on accident like a moron or b) their parent notice you. Either way you end up with that whole awkward "Oh....hey...I haven't seen YOU in a long time [and was hoping to keep it that way...] so how's school [how's school? who cares?!] um....that's cool....yeah I still play soccer...." and then BAM! There's that awkward silence for what feels like 20000 HOURS where you're like "SOOOOOO............." and it ends up with some kind of awkward mumbling under the breath and shuffling in the other direction type thing.

The brackets by the way were like, what I was thinking ya know? It's like the whole time you really don't care and are just trying to fill up space to be polite, but I mean later it's like "Oh god WHY did I go to the grocery store with my mom?! Never again mom, NEVER AGAIN!"

Yup, that's always embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as your mom THROWING A FRIGGIN' PINATA AT YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF WALMART xD. Just teasing Mom I love you....but seriously.

Ya know what ELSE is awkward? When your uncles start asking you about boys/boyfriends. Because no matter what you do it's gonna be at least SEMI awkward. Like there's gonna be some point where they're like " you have a boyfriend?" and if you say no there's this sigh of relief and then they're either like " anyone?" or like a "So who have you dated recently?" both of which you don't want to answer (and may choose not to) but if you's just me, bad. And, oh god, if you DOOO have a boyfriend and you TELL them it's twice as bad because then it's like "DOES HE DO DRUGS? IS HE NICE? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DATING? DOES HE LIKE CHOCOLATE? WHERE DOES HE LIVE? HAVE YOU....KISSED? WHAT'S HIS NAME? DO YOU LIKE HIM A LOT? IS HE NICE TO YOU?" and you're just like WHOA MAN, WHOA! Let's relax for a second here, and if you're like me you always say something like "He's a hard core drug addictJUST KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING!" to which they always freak out at and then ask you 90000 more questions.

THENNN there's the aunts....oh god, the aunts. Who are always like, exactly the same, except they're all friendly about it. Like they're your sister or something all like "SOOOOOOO who's your boyfriend? Is he cuuuteeee?" and you're like, Just, no, auntie person, no. And then there's that scene where you're in the room with at least one other adult male whom you hardly know and they're like "HEY YOU GOT BOOBS!" and you're like partially flattered, mortally embarrassed, totally awkward, and then it just cycles until the guy laughs awkwardly and leaves the room after a quick glance at your chest. I love family....don't you?

Anyways, on that awkward note for all my guy friends and possibly boyfriend (SHUT UP RELATIVES WHO ARE READING THIS!) I'm gonna go, because it's an hour past when I originally planned on going to bed, and my shoulder/back hurts. Plus, I've written plenty for tonight I think, and have to save stuff to write about tomorrow! Byeeeeeee!