Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Iranian Protests

Watch the 2 videos of Iran.

Have you seen those before? Probably not. Maybe, if you're an adult or very aware. But probably not. Those videos are horrible and incredibly upsetting to see, but most of the people I know don't even know that there is something going on in Iran. I mean seriously. If I took a tally of how many people I know knew who "Octomom" was, or Britney Spears, it would be pretty much everyone. But if I took a tally of how many of the people I know knew about this, there would be a HUGE difference.

I mean, I'm going to be honest, I really didn't know much about this, and I still don't. And a large part of that is my fault, I know. Because I don't read the newspaper or keep up nearly as much as I should or as my mother would like me to. But, maybe, it's not COMPLETELY my fault.

I mean, like I said, I'm not going to try to transfer the blame completely because that would be stupid and dishonest, but I'm just saying maybe as a country, for the bettering of our society and for our children's education's sake, we could try a little harder.

It just seems like for the most part now, the media isn't as much a source for information as much as a source of entertainment. As in, you're more likely to read something about Tiger Woods cheating than about Iran or Afghanistan or Health Care, and that is just incredibly sad. And, again, it is obviously not all media that is like this or entirely the media's fault, AT ALL. We, as a nation should be paying more attention to this stuff and not have to be force fed it all in order to be aware. But at the same time, you kind of expect the news to give you news. Real news, about important things.

Another thing is schools. I mean where are the schools about this stuff?! As far as I can tell, we really aren't getting much information about this stuff from the schools to students. I mean, we learn history so that we don't repeat ourselves, and that makes sense. But how can we function and be as innovative and intelligent and prepared in the future if we don't even know what's happening around us right now? It's ridiculous! I just feel like maybe if we had a "current events" class, where we could discuss these topics, or a sort of school newspaper with condensed versions of these things for students to read or even something as simple as the Language A (English) or History teacher assigning essays on things like this once in a while we would actually be a lot more aware of what's going on. I feel like the few aware people (such as teachers and media um...people) should be teaching/helping/informing the clueless about these things just for the sake of our country.

It just seems like this could be EASILY cured or at least improved and we don't do anything about it. I guess I understand why. I mean, it's just so much easier to think "Wow that golf player really likes sex" than to actually have to do deep thinking on ways to solve poverty in Darfur and the health care issues and Afghanistan and all its issues.

I just hope that when I have children, I am able to educate them more about these issues and that the schools are educating them more about these issues so that their generation isn't as clueless and stupid as mine.


Was that too depressing? Here's something hilariously pathetic and horribly written! My school newspaper! Laugh at it!

1st addition:
2nd addition:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hello, hello, hello!

Okay so 1st of all I'd like to apologize AGAIN for not keeping up with this...I've just been busy ya know. So anyways here's one for today and I hope to keep up with this more from now on.

Okay so! I am incredibly excited for Christmas! Okay well not INCREDIBLY excited, but reasonably. I pretty much know what I'm getting for the most part but that's okay I can still be excited can't I? Of course I can!

Anyways one of the interesting things about Christmas and Hanukkah is that everyone is expected to celebrate either one or the other. Hardly anyone, even if they are atheist (like me) just doesn't celebrate at least one. It's just kind of expected. I mean, really, it just doesn't make sense. Like, if you don't believe in Jesus, why celebrate a holiday dedicated to him? I mean I know technically Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday but I'm not Pagan either, and socially, now, it is really a Christian holiday. And yet, I have a good amount of atheist friends and not one of them doesn't celebrate Christmas. And not once does anybody question it really. It's just kind of expected. I just find that kind of interesting I guess.

Anyways, on a completely different note, technology! So you know how back in the 20's our parents thought that their technology was like amazing and exciting and just I dunno, modern. They talk about how the 1st computer was HUGE and blah, blah, blah. Well I mean, in 20 years or so, that's how computers are going to be. And in a way, it kinda sucks to think about that because I like to think that my computer is the coolest thing that there will ever be ya know? But, I mean, it definitely isn't. So...what will they come up with next? Well I have some ideas...

Okay, so you know how like on those nintendos or whatever you can like chat and actually write? That's how everything will be. Typing will be done, everything will just be touch screen and with your like stylist or finger you can just write whatever you want. And, of course, all computers will be touchscreen as will phones and lots of other things. And everything will be incredibly small of course. In face, I dunno, maybe computers/laptops will just be dead in general, everything will go to cellphones/iPods. The range of internet you can get on your phones/iPods will increase rapidly.

In the future, going to the movies will be dead. Instead, you'll be able to buy the tickets through your PayPal and watch the movie at home, only once of course but still, AT HOME! Then, if you like the movie there will be a little rating section, maybe even a comment section, who knows! The more feedback the producers can get, the better. There will probably be a movie recommendation thing, like "If you liked this movie you will probably like __________, ____, and ___________" Of course these movies would be very similar to watching them at the theater, there will still be previews and the same quality. But you will be able to watch it in whatever you're wearing, in the comfort of your own home.

Hm...I had some other ideas but I forgot them. Of course these are just theories, I mean I could be COMPLETELY wrong, and they will most definitely invent insane devices we can't even dream of yet! But yeah, those are some of my theories. What are yours?

Buh bye hope to write you sooon!